
Understanding Your New Home Warranty

When you invest in one of our homes, you're not just purchasing a property; you're also acquiring peace of mind. But what does that mean? Let's delve into the details of the new home warranty that comes with every property we build.

What is a New Home Warranty?

A new home warranty is a guarantee that covers various aspects of your new home's construction and condition. It serves as a safeguard against potential issues that may arise, from workmanship and materials to structural integrity. In essence, it's a promise of quality and durability that lasts for a decade.

The Warranty Providers: NHBC and LABC

Our homes are backed by warranties provided by either the National House Building Council (NHBC) or Local Authority Building Control (LABC); links to both can be found below. These organisations are industry leaders in setting construction standards and providing warranties for new homes.

Visit NHBC Visit LABC
